2020年12月10日, 上海创时汽车科技有限公司(以下称“创时智驾”)通过了通标标准技术服务有限公司(以下简称“SGS-TÜV”)一系列严苛的测试,获得了国内首张智能驾驶域控制器平台 ISO26262: 2018 ASILD 产品认证证书。SGS-TÜV中国区总裁助理Kevin Zheng为创时智驾颁发了证书。
On Dec. 10th, 2020, SAIC TTTECH Auto Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Technomous") obtained the first domestic ISO26262: 2018 ASIL-D Product Certificate for Autonomous Driving domain controller platform from SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "SGS-TÜV ").
SGS-TÜV是国际公认的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构,该证书的获得标志着创时智驾的域控制器平台产品符合汽车功能安全最高等级“ASIL D”级别的产品规范要求,该产品认证不仅能够为创时智驾的直接客户带来高安全等级的、智能的、经严格测试的合规产品,同时对于整个智能驾驶行业都有着积极推动作用,夯实了创时智驾在智能驾驶域控制器领域的领先地位。通过与上汽智驾团队深度项目合作,以及联创和TTTECH两家母公司大力支持,创时智驾首个智驾域控项目已经在Marvel X PRO落地量产。上汽集团智驾中心总监梁伟铭,联创汽车电子有限公司副总经理罗来军,SGS-TÜV中国区总裁助理Kevin Zheng,创时智驾总经理张平,副总经理Christian Schlaeffer等领导出席了此次颁证仪式。
SGS-TÜV is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. This certificate demonstrates that Technomous iECU has met the highest level "ASIL-D" for vehicle Functional Safety, allowing the iECU to fulfill the highest safety standards. This consolidates Technomous leading position in the field of Intelligent Driving Controllers. Through in-depth project cooperation with the SAIC autonomous driving team and strong support from the two parent companies of DiAS and TTTECH, Technomous’s first autonomous driving domain control project has been mass-produced on Roewe Marvel X PRO.
Liangweiming, Director of SAIC Intelligent Driving Center, Luo Laijun, Deputy General Manager of DiAS, Kevin Zheng, President Assistant of SGS-TÜV China, Zhang Ping, General Manager of Technomous, Christian Schlaeffer, Deputy General Manager of Technomous and other leaders attended the certification ceremony.
Autonomous Driving has triggered transformation in the automobile industry, accelerating technology innovation and creating new challenges for safety. Thanks to the expertise developed by Technomous engineers, the state-of-the-art solution has been approved for mass production at a number of OEMs around the world. The ongoing projects cover a variety of models of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, providing parking, L2~L4 autonomous driving functions. Technomous puts safety first for autonomous driving systems and is committed to providing customers with integrated, highly reliable and above all safe solutions.